Top 3 Post Production Services From Treacle You Should Know About

You had a great idea and you have created a stunning video that you are sure is going to get views on the Internet. Now, what’s next? You know there’s still something missing, something that could elevate your product to the next level. This is where Post Production Sydney companies like Treacle come in and give it a final touch.

But what is post production? You may ask. Post production is the final stage of video production agency sydney, it is generally defined as everything that comes after when the shooting is complete. After developing your concept and planning the video shoot during the pre-production stage, and shooting it on set or on location afterwards, you have now arrived at the stage where the “movie magic” happens. Post production specialists usually follow a rigorous workflow by applying a wide range of video editing operations to your footage before the video is signed, sealed and delivered to the general public. This process can take a few weeks to a few months, so choosing a good post production service provider is key to your video performance. Treacle, an award-winning post production company with business spanning across the Asia-Pacific region, has a proven track record in finishing and polishing videos for global companies and innovative startups and here are the top 3 post production services Treacle provides:

1. Editing. Whether it is offline and online editing, Treacle video editors will select shots and music tracks and combine them into a coherent sequence. It is to communicate the film language fluidly and make the final product look effortless. It is because when the art of editing and law of continuity are well-practiced, the cuts will be invisible.

2. VFX. VFX or visual effects is the process of manipulating elements that are out of context of a live-action shot to create a realistic imagery. By replacing backgrounds on green screen shoots and incorporating animated content into an enhanced reality, Treacle’s VFX specialists merge a live-action video seamlessly with computer generated imageries to create a unique, out-of-the-world environment.

3. Color grading. It is the process to improve the appearance of a video by manipulating and heightening various video attributes such as color balance, contrast, brightness, saturation, black and white levels and many more. Having the right color grade on your film is like having the right filter for your self-portraits, Treacle’s color grading specialists will work tirelessly to improve the quality of your video before it reaches the audience.

Treacle, with animation studios in Hong Kong, Sydney and Bangkok, is a full-service production house founded by a group of audiovisual innovators who aim to provide personalized services to multinational industry pioneers and promising startups. Its end-to-end post-production workflow wins esteemed industry accolades around the world. To learn more, you can visit for more information.


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