How VR and AR Could Help Kickstart your Next Marketing Campaign

The wizardry of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have been making headlines across the world. From the stunning three-dimensional visuals that knock viewers off their “virtual roller coasters”, to the novelty function of our smartphones to incorporate animation into our live view to catch animated cartoon pets in the streets, these new technologies have been a godsend to gamers and a new frontier in the gaming and video production Bangkok industries, but they are more than that. Studies show that time and time again, they are actually the driving forces of the marketing and advertising sectors in the world right now and have been setting social media abuzz. But what are the differences between VR and AR and how can they be used to market products and amplify your brand awareness and impact among your target audience?

VR is immersive. Virtual Reality is essentially a simulated physical environment, usually viewed with a headset or in some cases even with smartphones and makeshift Google Cardboards, in which viewers will immerse themselves into a 720-degree virtual world.

AR is additive. Augmented Reality, on the other hand, is mostly found in your mobile devices where sensory information and animated objects are overlaid onto the real world. The funny animal selfie filters on your social media apps come to mind. 

They can upgrade your audience experience. Post Production Bangkok companies like Treacle can help enhance the overall experience of the target viewers and the best of all, they help customers with photo realistic visuals to remember your brand in a convention or a launch event. Studies show the level of long-term memory retention can increase quadruply with audiovisual elements against normal text-based advertisements. With animation studios in Hong Kong, Sydney, and Bangkok, and businesses spanning across the Asia-Pacific region, Treacle helps brands across the globe build their brand reputation and win over customers with VR and AR. To learn more about its services and kickstart your next marketing campaign with these new technologies, you can visit for more information.


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