Treacle’s World-Leading Hologram Transforms Brand Marketing Experience

Hong Kong: Treacle, a global creative agency with animation studios in Hong Kong, Bangkok, and Sydney, has announced the production of a brand new, next-generation hologram system named Miirage, which is said to be able to work even in a brightly lit environment like the convention venues, shopping arcades, and even outdoor locations. With bass-heavy, earth shattering subwoofers, a self-contained audiovisual system, customisable branded case, and 8K full-resolution visual panels, this product could be filling the void for a scalable, cutting-edge hologram technology on the market. Advertisers and Post Production Sydney specialists have been eyeing this piece of easily accessible device for event launches, virtual celebrity performances, CEO remote keynotes, viral marketing campaigns, movie premieres, and fashion shows. 

Miirage is applicable to a wide spectrum of entertainment, educational and corporate uses, here are some of the novelty uses and ideas that are tailor-made to its innovative, unique selling propositions: 

  • Digital Signage: Instead of just plastering billboards everywhere in the streets, digital signage solves the problem of the traditional printed advertisements. Visually stunning signage can increase the memory retention in viewers and by using social media-friendly holograms like Miirage which can easily grab the attention of the passers-by.
  • Outdoor Advertising: Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising has become increasingly popular. According to a study by Kantar consulting group, it shows that among millennials and Gen Z who are quickly gaining purchasing powers, interactive displays and digital billboards are the most preferred form of advertising. Miirage as an outdoor installation with photorealistic 3D animation can add a surprise factor to the public.
  • Trade Shows: What is more exciting to introduce your product and your company brand to the world is to introduce them to a group of industry experts through Miirage. With an easy set-up and an incredibly small footprint, Miirage can be your avatar and describe and promote your product to industry leaders in an event or a convention.
  • Interactive Retail Experience: By placing a hologram system at your shop windows, you can make a strong impression on the onlookers, create buzz around your brand and increase its perceived value. You can also use the hologram system as a personal assistant as well. With a 3D assistant doing the heavy lifting by introducing the product to every passer-by, it can enhance the total retail experience.

About Treacle: Treacle, a video production Bangkok house with businesses across the Asia-Pacific region, produces this highly anticipated piece of holographic technology, Miirage. Treacle is dedicated to helping international brands and a group of promising up-and-comers increase their brand reputation worldwide and win over their customers around the world. If you want to learn more on Treacle and Miirage, you can visit 


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